belong to you 在 Ray's Music World Episode 184 (#RMW184) – Ray Shen 的影片資訊
Put your hands up high! with the new episode of Ray's Music World, including music by Robin Aristo, ...
Put your hands up high! with the new episode of Ray's Music World, including music by Robin Aristo, ...
"因為我已捨棄掉過去的自我,隨著肩上的壓力逐漸增重" ------- "Unfold" "這是這張專輯中唯一真正有跟別人合作的歌,而會有這首是因為我一直以來都很喜歡 TEED 的音樂。當我們進到錄...
English translation by muma @muma_jp Subtitling by hrk @hrk17949247 Original song written and compo...
2021/07/28生命紀實 400年、 沈默之年與應許之約、 共感意識; 400 Years、 The silence moment and the promose land、 The common...
#No23 #7月23日全面發行 #約書亞樂團 #在地如在天 實體樂譜▸ 電子樂譜▸ 在地如在天 / Hea...
#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #在地如在天 實體樂譜▸ 電子樂譜▸ 在地如在天 / Heave...
ok我也是不知道我怎麼做到的! OPEN FOR MORE INFO 打開我有更多資訊 __ I really like this song and thought this song was su...
Original Delivery: I'm a little rusty in English, but please help me. I...
Aisho Nakajima “Needed” “Needed” on Spotify :
Lyrics : Hello, beautiful stranger This is so magical what can I say? Lost myself in the loneliness...