bodhisattva 在 Between the Teacher and Disciple Episode 9: The Way to Compassion 的影片資訊
農禪寺師徒故事(九)入慈悲門 In its early days, Nung Chan Monastery was right next to an immense bamboo grove with...
農禪寺師徒故事(九)入慈悲門 In its early days, Nung Chan Monastery was right next to an immense bamboo grove with...
農曆九月初十九,就是普天下皆知的南無觀世音菩薩的出家日。其實並非佛教徒,凡是有華人的地方都曉得這尊大菩薩,甚至連外國人都懂,因爲祂的大慈大悲真的很攝人的心,也是我們學佛之人理應仿效的一個真諦。 提到...
南無地藏王菩薩摩訶薩聖號 - 21遍 Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva - 21 times 農曆七月三十日 (12 September 2015) 是南無大願地藏王菩薩的...
#08 法隆寺東院伽藍と中宮寺:二週連続奈良の旅 みみさん、二週連続奈良の日帰り旅行記:目次 http:/...
Siempre pensando en los seres vivos, los budistas mahayana oran con perseverancia por su mejora y éx...
Es normal que uno se convierta al Budismo motivado por sus necesidades y expectativas mundanas. Sin ...
I was in Tokyo for work and they gave me permission to make a video while I was there. (Most of the ...