breadcrumbs 在 蟹肉餅 Gourmet Crab Cakes 的影片資訊
尊重民意!有商有量!呢個你哋等咗好耐喇。易整,可煎可焗。入嚟睇睇。 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 For weeks you guys have been asking...
尊重民意!有商有量!呢個你哋等咗好耐喇。易整,可煎可焗。入嚟睇睇。 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 For weeks you guys have been asking...
CLICK DOWN BELOW FOR THE INGREDIENT LIST XOXO Hello everybody, Chicken Parmigiana is one of the s...
今日我地整一間瑞典傢俬舖嘅肉丸:)如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 Drive a Volvo, listen to ABBA, pop down to IKEA, and...
It's almost the OSCARS--so in honor of "American Hustle", here's a retro favorite with a modern edge...
全雞蛋 Whole eggs 3隻 雞蛋(打散) Whisked egg 1隻 鮮豬肉腸 Fresh Pork Sausages ...
大好きな漬物をフライにしたら、あら不思議!?おもしろい味に(^―^) たくあんもカクテキも市販のものです。 たくあんは塩分控えめのものがお勧め! Have you ever deep fried J...
YEAAAH BABY! Summertime is here! This complete dinner is my go-to. Enjoy on a sunny patio with a few...
咖哩洋葱豬扒 CURRIED ONION WITH PORK CUTLET 食材費用:$40 烹調時間:20 分鐘 這是我其中一道非常拿手的菜式,令豬扒嫩滑多汁的秘訣就是早一晚用蛋醃...
Meaty AND meatless? Oh yes. Savory mushrooms and earthy lentils provide the "meat" for this deliciou...
Korokke (Croquette) is a parcel of food such as minced meat or vegetables, shaped into a cylinder or...