by handwriting 在 How to write 80 kanji learned by Japanese first graders | handwriting 的影片資訊
How to write 80 kanji learned by Japanese first graders | handwriting List of kanji written in this...
How to write 80 kanji learned by Japanese first graders | handwriting List of kanji written in this...
In this quick 4 minute tutorial we are teaching you how to achieve a handwriting animation inside of...
In this video, I review a Chinese app called Kids YAY - Learn Chinese. The game-based learning cours...
As the year draws to a close, it's a great time to sit down and make a journal for the year ahead. D...
Some practical tips you can apply to improve your hangul Korean handwriting! Remember, it takes time...
哈囉,我是黛咪 歡迎回到我的頻道 這邊我以手帳影片的上傳為主 :) 會努力發影片的,但XD 我努力XD我多半還是活動於Instagram專頁啦 今天是新手手帳文具必備 希望能給還在猶豫要不要入坑子...
Tour starts at 01:15! A lot of you liked my story/posts on Instagram about how I use my planners, so...
Welcome back to another study with me video! The book I used in this video is Korean Grammar in Use ...
In this video I explain how I usually study Korean (without a textbook, using a reading book). This ...
有一天,很想把Les Misérables 音樂劇改編一個廣東話版,就在電腦上開了一個document,把所有musical裡面的歌慢慢改寫。細細個聽On My Own的時候聽著Lea Salonga...