camera roll 在 Here's What Filming A Commercial With Sony Is Like 的影片資訊
In October, I had the pleasure and the great fortune to star in a commercial with Sony. Shot betwee...
In October, I had the pleasure and the great fortune to star in a commercial with Sony. Shot betwee...
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Hope you all enjoy this viedo. 感謝鉅洋髮藝與本次拍攝的設計師Ricky 藉由影片中的SFX音效設計 讓設計師在剪燙染髮過程中的畫面更生動 變速加上BGM的節奏 更能抓住...
BGM midsummer - Time Lee - Ice Cream NOTEBOOK #TNNotebook Lightweight Paper Notebook : https://www...
BGM Yusei ft. Shiloh - Would that make you love me BgH Beats - Imagine midsummer - Blooming NOTEB...
Một chút của đầu tháng 3 với những ngày quay rồi lại chụp rồi lại quay và lại chụp. Cực có cực nhưng...
🔥 志祺七七團隊誠徵「全職企劃」與「特約作者」🔥 歡迎點擊官網看更多職缺資訊: ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專...
#毛线球面包 #麵包做法 #廚師機做麵包 這個在網絡上非常流行的一款麵包,外型像一個毛冷球一樣,撕出來的麵包非常鬆軟好吃。看來非常鬆軟,但這個麵包的材料不需要用到牛油,只是加入忌廉(即奶油),效果也...
BGM Yusei ft. Shiloh - so alone for so long time BgH Beats - Imagine Matthew May - Cherry NOTEBOOK...
BGM Lovet - We looked each other silently EricGodlow - Relaxation EricGodlow - Paradise NOTEBOOK...