chinese new year youtube 在 I Pointed at the Moon Every Day for a Week and this is What Happened... 的影片資訊
Kids, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! There are many Chinese superstitions out there and today, I tried t...
Kids, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! There are many Chinese superstitions out there and today, I tried t...
【艾咪拍拍過年特輯|精華篇】 今年過年,你的願望是什麼?This year,what wish did you make? - ►欲索取【BL年曆本】、【紅包福袋】,請洽官方Line@,或私訊小編。...
那隻雞拜年的日子還記憶猶新... 眨眼就到牛年了. 當年吞了我們幾十億美金血汗錢的人,現在變成了大家的偶像... 就只是因為在網路上拍了一些照片講了一些話“看起來”很討喜,就可獲得大家的追捧,甚至逃避...
CLM Wish Everyone Happy Chinese New year Prosperity and Good Health GONG XI FATT CHAI 13/02/2021 Ma...
情人節本來已經危機四伏,今年仲要撞正赤口!? 各位男朋友,醒醒定定喇,如果唔係要開年㗎⋯⋯? 提提各位小薯茄,小薯茄會員頻道開咗喇!隨便揀一個自己鍾意嘅餐喇! 揀餐詳情:https://www.yo...
Happy Chinese New Year! This might be the most "YouTuber" video I'm doing - I will try to consume 15...
【艾咪拍拍過年特輯|精華篇】 今年過年,影片中的鳥事你遇到幾個?或,你遇到的,更鳥?跟我們分享看看吧!Those crazy things happened during the Chinese Ne...
《大吉利是!恭你個發財!》關於紅包的新年短片 樂仔一直好郁悶被同學笑爸爸的紅包錢給得少,年初三這晚,樂仔終於忍不住和爸爸討論紅包這回事。 ========================= 【影片推薦...
GONG XI FA CAI.. HONGBAO NA LAI😅 (Wishing you enlarge your Wealth.. Red envelop please!)😂 I AM A FI...
??恭喜發財?? ㊗️大家牛年行好運!!? 其實已經放咗短的版本在IG,upload上YouTube是希望大家可以細心重溫呢個化妝!大家睇完記得幫我CLS呀!❤️ 想看更多請先追蹤!! 希望你們喜...