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免費下載此影片使用的筆記:https://mteducationielts.com/course/free-improvement-course/ Disclaimer: It seems that...
免費下載此影片使用的筆記:https://mteducationielts.com/course/free-improvement-course/ Disclaimer: It seems that...
中文同義詞寶典 (免費Sample + 筆記購買): https://www.mteducationhk.com/course/hkdse-chinese-synonyms-bank/ 如何寫論說文才...
Apps mình nhắc tới: 1. Duolingo 2. Synonyms 3. Hangman 4. Busuu 5. English 6. Coursera -------------...
例句: - The party was really fun. - The party was great fun. - Learning the word "funny" is quite f...
2:36 字幕不見了!該例句為: The US has gone further than any other country in space exploration. 播放清單: 品牌名學英語 ...
片中例句: You should be ashamed of yourself. I’m ashamed to say that he teaches so much better than I ...
播放清單: Word Pairs 怎樣分 ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs2gyIM_VlT_dbMjQO5y6i-HVHZPD3sFR 品牌名學...
播放清單: Word Pairs ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs2gyIM_VlT_dbMjQO5y6i-HVHZPD3sFR 名人英語 ► h...
播放清單: Word Pairs ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs2gyIM_VlT_dbMjQO5y6i-HVHZPD3sFR 名人英語 ► h...
播放清單: Word Pairs ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs2gyIM_VlT_dbMjQO5y6i-HVHZPD3sFR 名人英語 ► h...