esl台灣 在 My Healthy Lifestyle Cycling Taichung! 外國人在台灣健康的生活方式 VLOG lifeintaiwan EPISODE03 的影片資訊
Getting out and about seeing some sights in Central Taiwan and burning off those alcohol calories fr...
Getting out and about seeing some sights in Central Taiwan and burning off those alcohol calories fr...
A gradual descent from an excited Friday night into a Sunday of shandy drinking and deep recovery. ...
An introduction to the vlog and it seemed the right thing to do to explain why I came here as it's n...
A brief intro to my new vlog about life in taiwan and why I decided to give up a normal life in Engl...
【活動資訊】 E-Sports Festival 2015 將於今年8月21日正式舉行 CGA 將與多個贊助商合作,打造全港最具規模的電競盛事! 屆時將舉辦五個大型電競比賽項目,包括英雄聯盟、CS...