exodia 在 黑暗大法師內戰!【帥狗 / #遊戲王】 的影片資訊
來一支跟觀眾打牌的直播精華,順便回答觀眾一直以來提出的問題「遙距決鬥」怎麼設定? =============================== ⭐️故事投稿網址【 https://forms.gle...
來一支跟觀眾打牌的直播精華,順便回答觀眾一直以來提出的問題「遙距決鬥」怎麼設定? =============================== ⭐️故事投稿網址【 https://forms.gle...
4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Evigishki Tetrogre, Umbramirage the Elemental Lord, and...
4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity, Palace of the Elemental...
4+1-Card Exodia OTK using Red Resonator, Witch of the Black Forest, 1 Level 6 Ritual Monster, Advanc...
5-Card Exodia OTK using Revendread Slayer, Advanced Ritual Art, Sangan (or Witch of the Black Forest...
A 5-Card combo using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Chaos Betrayer (or Nine-Tailed Fox), Sangan (or W...
徵求投稿神仙局英雄戰場的影片 投稿一部150元 有影片的可以投稿到這:https://forms.gle/3FNdi51jLQZn9FFZ7 #爐石戰記 #英雄戰場 #Hearthstone 《H...
IG 有人敲碗沙發練習完整版 記得追我們的IG 踢萬8IG8A8Y: https://www.instagram.com/onemoretimebabywu/ 阿夫: https://www.ins...
跟大家分享帥狗最近自己組的搞笑大法師牌組 是真的能打積分,勝率有 48 ~ 50 %,接近一半優(數字哪來的?) ⭐️抽獎活動⭐️ 原創遊戲:https://is.gd/d5LBwx 問卷:https...
Cthugua Exodia Duel Replay: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/04aff54203f56fa6b98352dac1dcbf6a514148...