fine art 在 CLINIQUE Nail Enamel - 返工都可以, 簡單指甲花- Twinkle C 的影片資訊
Clinique Nail Enamel - 2013 - Red & Green in Nail Art 只需要幾個簡單steps, 已經可以做到一個fresh 同簡潔的指甲畫花, 當中不需要...
Clinique Nail Enamel - 2013 - Red & Green in Nail Art 只需要幾個簡單steps, 已經可以做到一個fresh 同簡潔的指甲畫花, 當中不需要...
Cicada's releases《一起走吧 Let's Go!》are available on iTunes:
More photos and info of this project on my blog, HERE: I'v...
In this video, I will show you how to make amazing Nori Art character bento box. You can apply this...
壁卡柏官方網站 壁卡柏部落格 壁卡柏粉絲專頁 https://www.faceb...
有卡片相關疑問,歡迎到粉絲頁置頂文留言發問 FB: blog:
My first TV commercial! This will be aired in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and China. Hope you guys...
Comment below and let me know what you think...^^ Product I used: 1) Nutra nail - Base coat & Ridge...
Story 咖啡的香郁、愛情的甜美、巴黎的浪漫 相識、相戀、相愛的過程, 就如同一杯濃醇咖啡的精雕細琢, 穿越巴黎市區的浪漫, 從咖啡豆到精緻粉末, 由滾水熱燙到綿密奶泡, 這是咖啡...
I started doing hair art with my mother's hair 3 years ago. One time I was cleaning my mom's hai...