firstproperty 在 S&J get VACCINATED & win a $10M APARTMENT!!! 449” Grand Central Tower 3 Flat 47D (the actual flat) 的影片資訊
Everyone's talking about it the last couple of weeks Who wants a $10 million flat for free? I'm sur...
Everyone's talking about it the last couple of weeks Who wants a $10 million flat for free? I'm sur...
呢一期都算係全城熱話 一定係打完疫苗有機會贏千萬嘅新樓 可能大家同我哋一樣咁八卦 所以就衝左上去睇吓我哋嚟緊會抽中嘅呢曾樓有幾正??? 呢個笑話我哋已經講咗成個星期... 講極都唔厭? 贏到呢層樓嘅...