four seasons paris 在 Paris Haul (ft. Tods, Balenciaga, Prada, Fendi etc) and Gorgeous Hotel Room Suite in Paris 的影片資訊
Hey guys! I know everyone is sharing black friday deals but if im honest, i haven't looked at the sa...
Hey guys! I know everyone is sharing black friday deals but if im honest, i haven't looked at the sa...
Maxime Frédéric 主廚為 Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris 飯店內一星義式餐廳 Le George 設計的「提拉米蘇」。用產自家鄉諾曼第的新鮮白乳酪製...
Maxime 為 l’Orangerie 餐廳設計的甜點「 Kiwi infusé à l’huile d’olive, Thé matcha au gingembre 」(橄欖油漬奇異果、薑味抹茶)...
(for English, please click "see more") 一直想為大家好好介紹巴黎喬治五世四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris)的甜點主...
(for English, please click "see more") 昨天早上不到八點鐘我就到了 Four Seasons George V 飯店,因為和甜點主廚 Maxime 約好為他的甜點...