french city 在 The #EmilyInParis Experience 的影片資訊
Since we can't really travel now, how about a little piece of Paris? Take a bite at the new cafe, Fr...
Since we can't really travel now, how about a little piece of Paris? Take a bite at the new cafe, Fr...
大人っぽくて上品な雰囲気のレオパードフレンチです。 初めてレオパード柄に挑戦されるお客さまにもオススメです(*^^*) ◼️Paragel G016ブロンズゴールド S032リッチウォルナット S0...
疫情結束後你最想去哪裡旅行? 前幾日聽說疫苗已經可以購買 雖然可能還需要很久但起碼算是有了一點希望 這裡整理了去年我去了的三個從台北出發四天三夜就可以完成的行程 不妨趁現在有些時間可以慢慢開始規劃 ...
#FrenchSong #ChampsElysées #法式香頌 This is the second french song cover that I recorded during the con...
The Coto Coto Train, designed by designer/illustrator Eiji Mitooka, is based on the 3 themes of “rel...
?? Tran Bien Temple of Literature is a Confucian temple located in Bien Hoa, Vietnam, the capital ci...
@Emilie Reigne visits Taiwan for the first time, so I take a few days to show her around Kaohsiung, ...
🤗Coucou 我是法國Anna 我很高興參加文化部及國立彰化生活美學館辦理文化遠朋活動,讓在臺灣之國際人士深度 理解中台灣地區(台中市、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣)之風土人情,參觀及體驗有5場各種文化...
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