get over it中文 在 我爸爸到底是做什么工作的? Visiting My Dad's Factory and Discussing Taking Over the Family Business 的影片資訊
Remember to like, comment, subscribe and turn on notifications~ Blair's Social Media: Instagram: B...
Remember to like, comment, subscribe and turn on notifications~ Blair's Social Media: Instagram: B...
(English below!) 我們今天去一日旅行到烏來瀑布!我帶了一些朋友還有借一台空拍機第一次去烏來瀑布!超漂亮! 我們也搭一個很特別的小火車從烏來站直接到瀑布!超推薦的! 很可惜今天外面...
加入我的私人通訊群組 Join my private message group: KKBOX: 聽到這...
This is another episode of my #tbh series, check it out here: skin condition:...
中文請快轉至5:45 #TBH老實說系列: Trying out the NEW NYX Total Control Drop Foundation.....
Hi guys, I apologize for not filming and uploading while I was in Shanghai...I got no VPN on my lap...
今天的測試,左臉放Maybeline FIT ME MATTE & PORELESS NO.115 粉底液, 右臉放我的陪葬品蘭芝BB舒芙蕾水凝霜NO.21 在沒有了龜裂的情況下,我還是推薦給習慣擦...
英文日常口語 44 (English Daily Conversation with Chinese 44.) Everyone can easily learn English and Chines...
GTA 5 PC ! GTA 5 LSPDFR ! GTA 5 Police Traffic Patrol ! GTA 5 LSPDFR ! GTA V ! Grand Theft Auto V ! ...
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