hk weather 在 《同志運動是鐵人賽也是接力賽》- 香港同志文化歷史紀錄片 的影片資訊
廿年過去,同志平權運動中,我們看到一張張熟悉臉孔,他們是累極卻還在堅持的鐵人。還有一代又一代新鮮人在起跑線上衝出來,希望趕上去替這場持久賽接力。 眼看世界各地的人都比我們領先,我們內心焦急,甚至開始...
廿年過去,同志平權運動中,我們看到一張張熟悉臉孔,他們是累極卻還在堅持的鐵人。還有一代又一代新鮮人在起跑線上衝出來,希望趕上去替這場持久賽接力。 眼看世界各地的人都比我們領先,我們內心焦急,甚至開始...
Hope you enjoy this #hakmebeautysunday so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos ...
================================== 影片資料 : Mod : -Optifine -BattyCoordinates -Spinner Mod -KeyStrok...
================================== 影片資料 : Mod : -Optifine -BattyCoordinates -Spinner Mod -KeyStrok...
Beautiful sunrise over Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour. Shot between 0530 and 0630, as city lights mak...
「All of this started when the whispers in your head, they said, we all belong to...」 A song from《Co...
每年萬聖節,不外乎去兩大主題樂園,甚或就係去蘭桂坊,一齊睇下今年萬聖節街頭派對D人扮咩啦! 有任何問題都歡迎發問! ----------------------------------------...
So due to music problems my last video can't be played on certain devices and countries, hence the r...
Hello Youtube fambam, Today’s Vlog: He Cracks Me Up, Toddler Prayers, Say Cheese! I’m a what, now?...
Download Best Fiends for Free now: This video was made in association...