horoscope personality 在 asian boy react to Relatable Zodiac Sign Memes for Non-believers - "im a libra btw" 的影片資訊
i was so hyped while filming this… idk why... MERCH: https://pumpkinsmerch.com/ - Join the pumpkin...
i was so hyped while filming this… idk why... MERCH: https://pumpkinsmerch.com/ - Join the pumpkin...
咦?上篇找不到你的星座哭哭了嗎? 乖,下篇在這裡喔!來一起跟上潮流學習這些星座英文怎麼說吧! 雙字幕看這邊 ►https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/66829 還沒看第一集?...
你知道十二星座的英文怎麼說嗎? 教你用英文暢聊不可不缺的星座話題~還有性格大解析的實用單字喔! 雙字幕看這邊 ► https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/66630 第二集 ►...