how to pronounce business 在 Sushi Restaurant in Singapore vs Japan 的影片資訊
How are sushi restaurants in Singapore and Japan different? I've created mini skits to demonstrate t...
How are sushi restaurants in Singapore and Japan different? I've created mini skits to demonstrate t...
#jaysbabyfood #learnkorean ----------------------------------------- - SNS - Facebook: https://www.f...
Today I talked about some words pronounced in interesting ways in Singapore. I also compared them wi...
Today I am teaching Allan how to pronounce IKEA product names! CHECK OUT HIS VIDEO HERE: https://ww...
你一定不知道!法國跟日本一樣都不喜歡說英文,因為我們的腔調很重,發音很恐怖😂這隻影片我真的重頭笑到尾 Aujourd'hui on a invité un ami japonais pour voir...
Disney Malaysia sent us to visit Pixar Animation Studios for a tour and to meet the creators behind ...
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