i can do all things 在 我是CC,謝昕璇/The Best Job in the World CC Hsieh__林義傑 的影片資訊
[人物] 林義傑(Kevin)X謝昕璇(CC) 今天CC與台灣超跑選手林義傑Kevin有約,Kevin百忙之中還是親切地迎接我們到他的辦公室訪談,整個訪談過程時間雖不長,但是內容卻足以讓CC獲益良多...
[人物] 林義傑(Kevin)X謝昕璇(CC) 今天CC與台灣超跑選手林義傑Kevin有約,Kevin百忙之中還是親切地迎接我們到他的辦公室訪談,整個訪談過程時間雖不長,但是內容卻足以讓CC獲益良多...
Live 的英文 demo 版,寫的時候抱著一份掙扎的心情,但還是希望相信我們在音樂路上做過的選擇。是一份R寫給K的歌詞:對她說聲Trust in me! 全部是因為K,才讓R看清楚前面的路可以怎樣闖...
HELLO! :) PLEASE CLICK "READ MORE"! (Cos I talk a lot by nature and there are certain things that I ...
If you like, you can click the link below to check out my food blog ^^ http://trangquynh.wordpress.c...
Hello my cutie tooties! As promised, here another DIY video demonstrating how to make an adorable s...
Original from thelonelyisland : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ My friends and I are big...
Join my FB fanpage/粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/charischuamusic Weibo/微博: http://www.weibo.com/char...
Ever since I was a child, I had a goal... A naive but hopeful dream, that when I grow up, I'd like t...
Please support me by getting this track on iTunes! iTunes: http://bit.ly/itunesautotune GooglePlay:...
Get this on iTunes/Spotify! http://bit.ly/jasonchen http://bit.ly/jasonspotify New MusicNeverSleeps ...