instagramer 在 【報告】5ヶ月で“-9kg”痩せた本当の理由!! 的影片資訊
171本目の動画は… 3月末からパーソナルも始めて約5ヶ月が経って こんなに本格的に期間を掛けてのダイエットはこれが初!! それとプラスで食事制限もしているのですが やっぱり一緒にサプリメントを取...
171本目の動画は… 3月末からパーソナルも始めて約5ヶ月が経って こんなに本格的に期間を掛けてのダイエットはこれが初!! それとプラスで食事制限もしているのですが やっぱり一緒にサプリメントを取...
Happy almost weekend lovelies!! I’m sure it happened at least once in your life time that you look t...
Hey lovelies!! I've been getting a lot of request from all of you and I'm happy that most of you are...
終於要來聊大家敲碗許久的 #如懿傳 還找來了清宮迷因Instagramer「永壽宮主位 魏嬿婉」 也藉此機會將我「 #仿拍 如懿傳預告片」的作品一起釋出 讓大家透過這支精彩宮鬥台詞互尬的影片回味如懿傳...
Hey babies! It was a productive weekend the least to say , a slight down side is I am having a bad ...
When it comes to beauty, I always believe the right makeup empowers everyone to achieve their dreams...
So an unexpected announcement came thru and we gotta came out with a contingency plan with the team ...
TGIF! FINALLY! It's been a tiring and long week. We discovered a pretty huge house to work away from...
Happy 2021 to the world! We had fun relaxing at the beach catching a breather from the hectic year e...
It’s one more sleep till we celebrate another brand new year ! Y’all got your plans already right? W...