ivory co 在 2017年度十顆熱門氣墊大評比!!混和肌必看!YSL,PONY EFFECT,雪花秀,GA... 的影片資訊
馬上追蹤喬喜頻道→https://www.youtube.com/user/Hsuchelsea Facebook→ Lip and Cheek/喬喜 https://goo.gl/Bdtnoq In...
馬上追蹤喬喜頻道→https://www.youtube.com/user/Hsuchelsea Facebook→ Lip and Cheek/喬喜 https://goo.gl/Bdtnoq In...
發問前請詳閱資訊欄並維持禮貌,一起創造更好的網路禮儀環境 Any constructive criticism is welcome. Please make our Internet a bette...
Freshlook -one day color lens #GRAY Kenzoki - Huile au Lotus Sacré Flacon Bobbibrown - Hydrating Ey...
發問前請詳閱資訊欄並維持禮貌,一起創造更好的網路禮儀環境❤️ Any constructive criticism is welcome. Please make our Internet a bet...
我覺得這次的實測是近半年來最令我驚豔的一次 雖然剛上去的遮瑕能力和整體妝感不到驚為天人的厲害 卻讓人感覺非常”踏實“ 怎麼形容這種踏實感呢~ 就是一陣子用下來 無論當天膚況是好是壞 都能感受到擦完底妝...
Please Subscribe 訂閱頻道 ➳ https://goo.gl/JbgOiS Instagram ➳ @selinachenglife https://reurl.cc/kdGbrd (...
My Lazy Day Makeup Tutorial / Min's makeup notes 這次的彩妝教學是之前在臉書被敲碗的不動腦眼妝!! 我自己很喜歡的簡單眼妝,可以很清爽也可以煙燻 :D...
Chit Chat Get Ready With Me + First Impression / Every Day Autumn Makeup / Min's makeup notes Hey! ...
Happy Spring Equinox Dreamers! Check out my look inspired by aura photography. What do you think yo...
20,000 SUBSCRIBERS! 多謝你地嘅支持呀!我會喺英國買giveaway禮物!請耐心期待! BTW, 我不是專業的化妝師 純碎自己好中意化妝! I am not being paid t...