jasonscollection 在 s&j《CAR》The Indestructible Defender... A real man's car! 的影片資訊
It's not comfortable, it's not fast, it's not user friendly even... but it LOOKS COOL!!! and it's IN...
It's not comfortable, it's not fast, it's not user friendly even... but it LOOKS COOL!!! and it's IN...
Jason:可能有d 不設實際,但係好型 (老實講,其實舒服都唔係好舒服???) Sarah:真係型既,睇部車駛過 hmmm 靚仔 ... 但係狼狽,唔舒服,唔實用 Jason: ... ... 但係...
you guys have asked us for tips on choosing a car... first car... family car... any sort of car! we'...
呢部車都搵咗好耐先借到 玩完呢部車有好多新睇法 一部車,唔會掛住佢,可以唔要 一部車,無做老婆條件,可以唔要 一部車,無基本駕駛樂趣,一定唔可以要! 其實好簡單,跟以上方法揀老婆一定無錯??? 諗諗...
a tad late this month, work has gotten busy after CNY there's no skincare or makeup this month we're...
二月至愛竟然無護膚品化妝品?! 唔緊要,有好多其他正野! 女士至愛:手袋,鞋 大家之前好奇既眼鏡 $160! 男士最鍾意既錶,西裝都有 大家之前好留意既 seiko手錶都有講 下個月玩乜野好先? h...