lack of sleep 在 2019/10/14王大喜-轉化創傷,預防早發性失智症 /.原始議題 王大喜(Rasta Wang) 的影片資訊
2021/02/25生命與工作觀察紀錄 (此視頻為早期基礎議題) 許多人由於早期或上一代曾經施打疫苗,導致身體DNA無法跟著菌叢的遷徙一同進化,進而體內天生缺乏某種酵素,導致腦內迴路容易纏結負面缺光的...
2021/02/25生命與工作觀察紀錄 (此視頻為早期基礎議題) 許多人由於早期或上一代曾經施打疫苗,導致身體DNA無法跟著菌叢的遷徙一同進化,進而體內天生缺乏某種酵素,導致腦內迴路容易纏結負面缺光的...
搭乗日:2019年9月4日(水) 航空会社:日本航空 便名:JL873 出発地:東京(成田)-NRT 到着地:上海(浦東)-PVG 出発時刻: 09:40 到着時刻: 12:00 所要時間:3時間...
During my pregnancy at first I was very fatigue and got a good amount of sleep and them all of the s...
A full day of working on my music video to be released just in time for Valentines Day! Grinding on ...
30秒以内でできる!寝癖がやばい前髪アレンジ5パターン ☆C CHANNELアプリをどうぞよろしくお願いします☆ 前髪が短いと寝癖もつきやすいですよね…...
Hope you enjoy this stretching routine that you can do in bed - in the morning / before you sleep. I...
Importance of STRETCHING: ✔ELONGATES the muscles that are tight after working out ✔Reduces muscle so...
VLOG UPDATE WEEK 16 - Commitment To Your Goal As i type this, i'm now less than 2 weeks out to comp...
I learnt a very PAINFUL SCARY lesson... Got injured at my lower back cause of the one thing i lack ...
♥ What causes belly fat? Why are you not losing it despite eating well and exercises? What can you d...