lesson plans 在 Language learning goals and polyglot plan for 2021 ? 的影片資訊
Hey friends! Today I'm talking about a new approach for my language learning plan for 2021. I'm brea...
Hey friends! Today I'm talking about a new approach for my language learning plan for 2021. I'm brea...
#WeWishYouaMerryChristmas #diontam #celinetam #譚芷昀 #onlinevocallesson #howtosingbetter #singandyou #...
#singinglesson #abcsong #celinetam #譚芷昀 #toloveyoumore #onlinevocallesson #howtosingbetter #singandy...
So, 2020 happened... Need I say more? Here's the final video to my series of vids related to my lang...
#singinglessonsomeoneyouloved #someoneyouloved #celinetam #譚芷昀 #toloveyoumore #onlinevocallesson #ho...
#howtosingintotheunknown #IntoTheUnknown #onlinevocallesson #howtosingbetter #singandyou #vocaltrain...
Hello friends, I hope you're well. I know I don't appear here very often but as always, I do MISS Y...
#TheVoiceKidsPhilippines #BlindAuditions #MyLoveWillSeeYouThrough #celinetamfather #celinetam #onlin...
A goals check-in for the languages I want to improve in 2020. I'll make another update later this ye...
こんにちは、イムランです! 大人と子供向けの英会話レッスン動画をアップしています。 今日はリクエストにお答えして1日100言です。 この動画では英語英会話一日一言の001から100までをどんどん言っ...