lorde royals 在 Lorde【 Royals】( cover by 金妮 ) 的影片資訊
翻唱: 金妮 粉絲團:金妮小花兒 https://www.facebook.com/Flower.Love.U/ 吉他:Frankie 粉絲團:佛佛佛佛朗基 Frankie https://goo....
翻唱: 金妮 粉絲團:金妮小花兒 https://www.facebook.com/Flower.Love.U/ 吉他:Frankie 粉絲團:佛佛佛佛朗基 Frankie https://goo....
I really hope you like this cover of 'Sober' by Lorde! This is by far my favourite song off of her n...
One of my favourite songs from Lorde's Melodrama. Hope y'all enjoy my rendition of this beautifully ...
很開心有人提問了想知道的合音片段, 讓我們重新思考了一下合音練習系列可以有什麼新面貌。 徐佳莹《我好想你》— 我是歌手4第5期单曲纯享 I Am A Singer 4【湖南卫视官方版】 https...
// Yellow Flicker Beats // Quick cover recorded on my iPhone, meant to say 12am not pm... and sick ...
10月的愛用品中我最喜歡的就是買了4年的KATE眉粉 冬天快到了保養品和平常化妝都要更注意保濕 香水的味道也漸漸變重 10月過完也代表我正式的22歲了.... 不是真的很開心 呵 但按連結看看我的生日...
And you know, we're on each other's team... http://www.daphnecharice.com/2014/07/were-on-each-others...
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Royals (Cover) by Hani & Zue. Original song by Lorde, copyright Republic Records. Hi! Here's a cov...
Thanks to my mate Joe for recording this for me! First time I performed outside with a loop pedal so...