mean and meant 在 FULL BODY WORKOUT - Summer Shredding EP#1 - 8 WEEKS FREE WORKOUT PROGRAM 的影片資訊
Hey everyone, this is EPISODE #1 of my 2018 Summer Shredding Workout Program. There’s a total of 4 v...
Hey everyone, this is EPISODE #1 of my 2018 Summer Shredding Workout Program. There’s a total of 4 v...
In this video, I show you how I conceptualise and make fun videos on TikTok. Watch as I walk you thr...
Hello Youtube Fam, Today’s Vlog: When We Make Mistakes, How Ironic, When Emotions Take Over, Excite...
印象中聽起來總是輕盈甜蜜,這次翻唱時才發現它在敘述第三者(亦或被劈腿的第二者)矛盾糾結甚至我解讀為病態的三角戀心境.因此,我試圖詮釋一個略為歇斯底里的版本.有愛有情慾,有痛有怨又帶有憐憫. 相信大家比...
Hello Youtube Family, Today’s Vlog: All Under Control Now The Belly Song, LONGEST Chapter Ever, Wha...
Hello everyone, I decided to make another Heart to Heart video while getting ready today. I got to ...
Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: Support us on Patreon: ...
The mission was clear: Go to the NBA. Take over. Do so in a way that told the basketball world a new...
Hush Hush - Avril Lavigne - SLS Piano Cover "Maybe someday not tonight, Hush, hush now." One of my...
跟JR一起邊聽好歌邊學英文! 我們找出很正面、勵志、療癒的歌曲,然後學習裡面的英文歌詞~ ((( ******* 點開看歌詞喔! ******* ))) JR's Facebook: ht...