my hi end 在 why i hate birthdays 的影片資訊
at the end of the day, it's the little things that counts. Sometimes things will not turn out the wa...
at the end of the day, it's the little things that counts. Sometimes things will not turn out the wa...
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hi there! this past week in taiwan has been slightly crazy as covid cases have been rising like neve...
Hi, welcome back to another vlog! I recently went on a trip to the beach with my friends and I'm bri...
產品:高保真主動式 Hi-Fi 藍牙音響 品牌:SOUNGIL 型號:Cube 售價:NTD 29,800 官網: 艾草優惠碼:ALVI...
[Joyce Is Moist: for HKG] Personal Assistant Appreciation Vlog 得力助手 Tag! (粵/En Subs) 同你介紹一個對我黎講好重要...
Check out RE- here: For the giveaway, refer to the end of the video! I'll cl...
Hi friends! First of all, thank you so, so much for 250K! I am really grateful and will keep doing m...
Hi ?✨ My name is Rosanna (or Rose). I love to make videos on my life, vlogging, music, make-up , b...