natural vitamin e cream 在 Simple Taupe Makeup Tutorial | Cherishaaa 的影片資訊
#taupemakeuptutorial You can always look fabulous with natural tone colors! Here's to my 'taupe' ba...
#taupemakeuptutorial You can always look fabulous with natural tone colors! Here's to my 'taupe' ba...
嗨嗨親愛的大家新年快樂~ 開心西洋新年過完即將又要過農曆新年惹 挖哈哈哈哈哈(準備好要暴飲暴食啊) 我剛飛美國從德州又跑來洛杉磯惹 時差讓我爛臉又好累啊~~~所以影片裡膚況沒有很好請見諒! 最近用了一...
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今次呢條片同一次過滿足咗之前大家嘅要求 示範咗THE ORDINARY嘅質地,我點分配時間去使用唔同精華 仲講解埋每個護膚成份的功能 希望幫到大家渡過呢個春夏天 ^^ | 聯絡方法 | SNAPC...
SKINCARE PRODUCTS I USED/ CÁC SẢN PHẨM DƯỠNG DA 1. Jaloux Purifying Makeup Remover Cleanser 2. Son ...
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