non-local 在 《港大資源手冊》第五集:Local 可以係邊到練英文?Non-local 又可以係邊到學廣東話? 的影片資訊
Campus TV, HKUSU Facebook Page: 《港大資源手冊》第五集:Local 可以係邊到練英文?Non...
Campus TV, HKUSU Facebook Page: 《港大資源手冊》第五集:Local 可以係邊到練英文?Non...
Highlights of VTC students participating in industrial attachment outside Hong Kong and sharing of e...
Through their first-person experience, VTC’s Fans of Internationalisation, i.e. students, staff and ...
Annual Debate 2013: 'The maximum intake of non-local applicants to HKU should be reduced' The Annual...