once ready中文 在 鑽爆Arrow管...拆個消音塞有沒有這麼麻煩 Arrow DB killer removal Triumph Daytona 675R | EN Subtitle 的影片資訊
暴力不能解決問題,但可以解決卡死的螺絲...See how I obliterated the silencer screw on an old and beat up Arrow slip on. ...
暴力不能解決問題,但可以解決卡死的螺絲...See how I obliterated the silencer screw on an old and beat up Arrow slip on. ...
[錯字更正,Ninja400(399c.c.)是正叉,不是倒叉] 其實我一直有點猶豫要不要試騎忍400,就怕我會想要把忍300換掉。XD 這次藉由賽道活動,直接租了一節有賽道改裝的忍400來試試。到...
REITACREW - REITAKU HOUSE Singer 歌手 : REITACREW - the Candyman x Jasho x Txek Music 曲 : Jasho Lyric...
LYRICS: Welcome to the basement, Listen to the beat Let it be the year of your life, let it be one ...