online course 在 如何擺脫港式英文的口音(53)矯枉過正的「ae」 的影片資訊
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Hey guys, Thank you so much for the positive feedback from my last painting video. Some of you were...
英國人的說話「藝術」 原圖: 蕭愷一 假如女朋友太痴纏,每天每分每秒都要見面,男生可以借老沙這句推搪: Well, trust me. I would love to be with you ... 寫信給女友,假如以這一句作結:「妳不用怕歲月的摧殘,也不用怕死亡的威脅;因為我的文字,能使妳長存世上。」她肯定會冷嘲:「你無病嘛?」唉,為甚麼我不是莎士比...
This band called "The Promise" made an mtv in response to my strawberry chocolate roll recipe post h...
Hi! My name is ochikeron. Please call me ochi! I have been working at a trading company for 7 ye...
Monster Hunter 3 Tri Main: Hunt a Barroth 〆 Subquest A: Deliver 1 Hervibore Egg Subquest B: Slay 6 ...
Monster Hunter 3 Tri Main: Hunt a Barroth 〆 Subquest A: Deliver 1 Hervibore Egg Subquest B: Slay 6 ...
Monster Hunter 3 Tri Main: Hunt a Barroth 〆 Subquest A: Deliver 1 Hervibore Egg Subquest B: Slay 6 ...