pregnancy test time 在 【第二子妊娠中】妊娠線ボディケア 的影片資訊
💁🏼♀️✨ 00:10 Luka&watermelon 01:08 Nap time 01:50 My body, 7th month of pregnancy 02:27 Samurai hai...
💁🏼♀️✨ 00:10 Luka&watermelon 01:08 Nap time 01:50 My body, 7th month of pregnancy 02:27 Samurai hai...
Here's a funny video to cheer everyone up this weekend! It was so much fun filming this with my husb...
先跟大家說抱歉 照相機錄影時大概被房間天花板的燈光影響了 影像有些不清楚... 不知道大家有沒有聽過棉花糖實驗? 這個實驗是1972年一個史丹佛大學教授做的研究測試 當時主要的測試對象是3.5-5....
I failed my one hour glucose tolerance test so I had to come back to the hospital and take the 3 hou...
Our chit chat session today was in the friends category. We wanted to try out something new and see ...
Just to get a little peace of mind I decided to get a baby doppler to keep an ear out for my baby's ...
This is our first pregnancy so my husband is being extra cautious with everything that is happening ...
And so it begins. After finding out about my pregnancy test being positive I have a hard time coping...
其實,這泡麵原本是買來再次挑戰辣度的,沒想到一放,就放過期了 ?所以呢~正常的辣泡麵試吃挑戰就變成了過期辣泡麵試吃挑戰啦? 這次呢~同場加映豆比挑戰另一包辣泡麵的片段喔! Please thumb...
我也搞不清楚自己在瞎忙什麼,一直到現在才把豆比的試吃影片弄好? 想知道德國人對於試吃亞洲零食的感想嗎?是不是跟我一樣咧?來瞧瞧吧!? Please thumbs up if you like it...