raindropcake 在 Raindrop Cake / 水餅 - Japanese food [ASMR COOKING SOUND] 的影片資訊
#ASMR、#relax、#raindropcake I made it referencing the sweet that is the specialty in Yamanashi prefec...
#ASMR、#relax、#raindropcake I made it referencing the sweet that is the specialty in Yamanashi prefec...
Balloon Raindrop Cake. It's Kyoto Marumochiya's wagashi 'Mizu Maru Mochi'. Mizu means water, Maru is...
Raindrop cake shaped squishy gashapon. I like raindrop cake. #japanesestuffchannel, #gashapon, #rain...
チャンネル登録はこちらから↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq78QcAOJu2veaiCyHiWoYw?sub_confirmation=1 チョコスイーツレシ...
チャンネル登録はこちらから↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq78QcAOJu2veaiCyHiWoYw?sub_confirmation=1 チョコスイーツレシ...
前回作った鶏卵そうめんの黄色があまりに鮮やかできれいだったので、ゼリーにしてみました。https://youtu.be/awumN7umiEI 鶏卵素麺を水信玄餅に閉じ込める、という動画です。不思議食...
來自日本北杜市的水信玄餅,也稱作雨滴蛋糕~ 由日本著名米糕甜點信玄餅演變而來透明如水晶,入口即化。 融化前只能保持30分鐘的固體形狀,所以在日本必須在店內食用, 日本傳統吃法會撒上黃豆粉在淋上黑糖糖漿...
Fruit raindrop cake easy recipe. When I uploaded raindrop cake before, I was asked if you can put in...
Raindrop cake easy recipe. I heard that raindrop cake has become popular as a Japanese water cake in...
Hey guys! The Rain Drop Cake has been in trend for quite a while now. I gave it a try and I'm kinda ...