rave party 在 Exciting RAN live in Batam, Indonesia ?? ?????? 的影片資訊
Yeah‼️ For the 1️⃣st time SiennyLovesDrawing as international media to witness the awesome ?? ???? e...
Yeah‼️ For the 1️⃣st time SiennyLovesDrawing as international media to witness the awesome ?? ???? e...
Hello guys, I finally posted a video from IT'S THE SHIP! It's my third year with it's the ship and ...
還記得這款Bling Bling酒嗎?兩年前於網上瘋狂洗版,她就是始作俑者。熱潮過去,她轉而賣清酒,事業成功。一家三口和樂融融,羨煞旁人。但背後的故事,跟兒歌一樣,又越過高山又越過谷。 「我18歲要...
Facebook : www.facebook.com/celestechen Blog : www.celestechen.com Instagram: @celestechen...
EDC最後一天 玩到二眼昏花 口吐白沫 影片也拍的亂七八糟 反正老娘爽就好! EDC再見了 下一站Burning man 繼續前進我的瘋狂人生 Facebook - https://www.fac...
Ultra Singapore 2018 was hella guuuuud. I had such a wild time at Ultra 2018! I just want to reach ...
*Ray's Music World Episode 077* Tracklist [00:54] 01. Astrix & Avalon - Moonshine [07:33] 02. Chr...
在vegas的最後二天 我們從沒有房間 去chainsmoker party到早上 再到電梯口的陌生人直接送了我一間總統套房的奇遇 我只能說在vegas就是什麼都遇的到 帶著一顆冒險的心 這世界精彩的...
來edc就是給我用力玩用力嗑 要再那GG歪歪裝清純的就不要來 花$老娘就是來爽的 不是來做雕像 At the edc was too turnt! Do not be a fucking "pur...
9 JUNE 2018 FOR MORE INFO ABOUT ULTRA SINGAPORE http://www.visitsingapore.com/festivals-events-singa...