sanyi 在 Sanyi Township Cleaning Squadron x Yachun Asta Tzeng - The Recycling Song 三義鄉公所清潔隊 x 曾雅君 - 資源回收歌 的影片資訊
The recycling song made for the cleaning squadron of Sanyi Township Office. photography: Pexels Wri...
The recycling song made for the cleaning squadron of Sanyi Township Office. photography: Pexels Wri...
#苗栗#miaoli#勝興車站 勝興車站/勝興老街:苗栗縣三義鄉, 88號 instagram:
台中の北隣り、苗栗県三義(Sanyi)に遊びに行った際にふと寄ったお店で 客家(hakka)民族に伝わる謎のお茶「酸柑茶(すぁんがんちゃー)」と出会った🍊🍵✨ ⬇︎ CLICK HERE FOR IN...
播吧大家都在看👉 花漾旅途看更多👉 三義不僅只有木雕 全台海拔最高舊山線勝興車站 才是三義真正厲害的起點站 龍騰斷...
#苗栗景點 #影片 終於來火炎山走走啦!因為之前一直被一些網紅拍照打卡所吸引, 所以趁著假日就來挑戰一下啦! 其實以大家的路程應該可以像登山口的牌子一樣來回花2小時50分, 因為這次邊走邊拍照的情況下...
2017/07/23 抽籤 vlog IG:chung__yen music:Crimson Fly...
I think you'd have to agree, that I've found an awesome place to have a beer...
I came across this place... in the mountains, somewhere in Taiwan (no idea where, somewhere between ...