scrap中文 在 Scrap Gem-Knight FTK (4-Card Combo) 的影片資訊
A 4-Card FTK using Scrap Factory, Scrap Shark, Block Dragon, and Gem-Knight Fusion in the hand. Due...
A 4-Card FTK using Scrap Factory, Scrap Shark, Block Dragon, and Gem-Knight Fusion in the hand. Due...
A 4-Card FTK using Cost Down, Overdrive Teleporter, Gem-Knight Fusion, Block Dragon, and the Skill "...
A 4-Card FTK using Mausoleum of the Emperor, Overdrive Teleporter, Gem-Knight Fusion, Block Dragon, ...
A 4-Card FTK using Madolche Hootcake, Transmodify, Gem-Knight Fusion, Block Dragon, and the Skill "W...
Summoning Ojama King, Vermillion Dragon Mech, and Scrap Dragon Duel Replay: https://duellinks.konam...
B-Buster Drake and Vylon Cube combo Duel Replay:
臉書粉專【老頭OldMan】Instagram【oldman_0302】 👉馬上訂閱YouTube頻道,接收最新影片消息: 🔴方舟 生存進化 所有系列 【播放...
Summoning Executor, Mudragon, Scrap Dragon in one turn. Decklist:
這是一隻畸形的狼 ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) 一位馬來西亞人來玩的機械沙盒遊戲的實況過程紀錄. -------------------------------------------------...
改了又改, 繼續地改 ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) 一位馬來西亞人來玩的機械沙盒遊戲的實況過程紀錄. -----------------------------------------------...