skating 在 Skatepark in Bangkok! First time surf skating 的影片資訊
Around a year ago, skateparks were rare in Bangkok, there were only around 3 places. But today I dec...
Around a year ago, skateparks were rare in Bangkok, there were only around 3 places. But today I dec...
雖然係花式滾軸溜冰嘅代表,但同樣係花式滑冰教練嘅我今次影片同大家分享一下 1.我溜冰嘅器材之外,重有~ 2.解答大家對冰刀鋒利度嘅迷思! 3.重會講解溜冰基本物理原理 4.同埋教大家刀套嘅用法 5.最...
My second inline competition...
Asian Championships 2018!!! My first time competition on inline figure skating!!! I was so nervous!!...
Hope to cheer you up during this COVID pandemic. Hope this video can show you how my city looks like...
I was so tired after competing in-line figure skating in the same morning. But I'm so happy I manage...
This was my first inline competition, and I was so tired after competing quad and go straight for in...
2018 Artistic Roller Skating Nationals - Katherine Choi Short Program|2018年全國花樣輪滑錦標賽 - 蔡穎怡 短節目...
This was planned to be a performance skating with 2 little kids wearing in Elsa dress, and I was jus...
這是我做給學校的簡介,節奏有點慢,但很適合家長跟小朋友一起觀看 This is my presentation to schools about what is roller skating. The...