staycalm 在 s&j《COOK》Cheat Lazy Dessert: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Spread, Cinnamon Pastries... LOVELY! 的影片資訊
Everyone‘s staying home All our friends are posting cooking videos They keep challenging us (more Sa...
Everyone‘s staying home All our friends are posting cooking videos They keep challenging us (more Sa...
呢排大家都好聽話留喺屋企 成日都見到啲friend post d煮嘢食嘅片 亦都有好多人整蛋糕 搞到各種食材都缺貨??? 喺超市見到好多人想買整蛋糕嘅材料,好多人? 咁當然我哋唔例外啦??? 其實都係...
It's been everyone's favourite lately. Your love for Chanel and Hermes and all things pretty hahaha ...
都知大家鍾意手袋架啦 上次拍Chanel vlog大家反應好熱烈 其實都好想同大家分享Hermes系列 但係擔心有人話我地炫耀show off 都明白到好難滿足所有人 要好多謝所有為我地講說話,保護我...
when home office is not possible all you can do is be better prepared better discipline better perso...
當返工無得 home office 只好做好d 消毒 個人衛生做好d 社交距離保持得好d 就連揸車都要揸好d 大家要繼續加油 唔好咁快鬆懈 好好照顧自己 好好照顧大家 加油,加油,加油! @Rah...