講到起司舒芙蕾,不禁懷念起前年底才因故吹熄燈號的瑞華餐廳(Chalet Swiss)。話說它的舒芙蕾起司質地綿密細緻,味道濃郁,還有數種口味可選,吃了也才明白為什麼許多人願意多等個40分鐘就為瑞華的這...
Hey Everyone!!!! Today, we are having Chicken wraps. I am finally able to try some Swiss Chalet Sa...
We had a nice little Saturday night out on May 31st 2013. Thanks to a rude waitress we had a few we...
We've had a really long winter here in Alberta this year and it is just dragging on. Yes, we are sn...
We haven't gone to Swiss Chalet for awhile and my brother gave us a gift card for the CARA Corporati...