taipei foodie 在 Foodie Time Lapse: Have fun at Italy restaurant Cafe Grazie 的影片資訊
In this little foodie video we'll show you how those delicious Italian foods gone in 60sec.(Time la...
In this little foodie video we'll show you how those delicious Italian foods gone in 60sec.(Time la...
Boon Keng Chicken is the most tasty Singapore restaurant in Taiwan, The chicken is very tender and j...
在2016年我剛剛踏足YouTube 雖然影片不算太多 但係度多謝曾經LIKE過、分享過、同訂閱過小弟頻道嘅大家! 希望大家係2017年繼續多多指教 其他影片: 【悠遊上海】Day1-2 |上海迪士...
差唔多幾年無旅行vlog 過啦!!!! 今年我地終於再次去旅行啦!!! 系8月既時候去台北玩左4日3夜, 每日食5餐~_~諗起都爽! 大家快d去片啦! Instagram: jadelamm, wy...
?????Watch in HD1080p ! ? Keep in touch ! Find me on : ✏︎ Instagram : @anjayho https://www.instag...
2016年9月6日 ??台北?? 又係我地汶汶同Yoga!! 今次我地一晚內食完寧夏夜市再食士林夜市!!! 有台灣的朋友Sally同Edward陪我地去食去玩!!!謝謝你們呀!!!! _______...
分享文NOTE : 信義新光三越A11B2美食街懶人包攻略 有Burger Ray個性漢堡、O OLAN黑輪吧、...
VLOG_13 | 海鮮好好味啊!!!| 上引水產‧淡水‧台北...
WHERE WE STAYED: WHAT WE ATE: https://ciaela....
I was starving after my dance training so i decided to explore Ximending (西门町) (also known as the 'H...