the last straw 在 DIY STRAW TENSEGRITY STRUCTURES*なんだこれ!つぶしても戻る不思議な構造 〜テンセグリティ〜 的影片資訊
MATERIALS ・6 Straws(around 10 cm long) ・6 Rubber bands. ・Scissors STEPS 1. Make a cut to each ...
MATERIALS ・6 Straws(around 10 cm long) ・6 Rubber bands. ・Scissors STEPS 1. Make a cut to each ...
IAMKARENO was visiting HONG KONG 2017. I was so Lucky to meet up. 大家好!Hope you guys enjoyed watchin...
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懊悔自己不會使用鑷子而大哭 ピンセットのつかみ取りがうまくいかず大泣き I couldn't grab the tweezers well and cried a lot. ******* 在百圓...
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訓練手眼協調│撿米粒 目と手の協応│米粒拾い Hand-eye coordination training│Picking up rice grains ******* 將米從米袋裝入容器時不小心...
挑戰用吸管插西瓜吃 ストローで西瓜を挿して食べようとする Challenge to eat watermelon with a straw 【Watch More】 NanoKano★1y3-4m...
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