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4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Evigishki Tetrogre, Umbramirage the Elemental Lord, and...
5-Card Exodia OTK using Revendread Slayer, Advanced Ritual Art, Sangan (or Witch of the Black Forest...
Exodia in 20 seconds: This is a (3+2)-Card Combo. 3-Card: Nekroz of Va...
A 4-Card OTK using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Thunder Dragon, and Infernity Archfiend. Duel Repl...
#Root的遊戲心得小舖 #斧王 #戰王之王 這是我小時候常玩的一款遊戲,音樂相當好聽 其實他是大型電玩移植過來的作品 不過在紅白機版有追加過場畫面和劇情 難度算是不低,我以前玩每次都有開密技 ...
Summoning Valkyrion the Magna Warrior using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, "Gadget" monster, and Bloc...
Summoning Elemental Grace Doriado using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru, a...
A 4-Card FTK using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru, Catapult Turtle, and t...
A 4-Card FTK using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru, and Catapult Turtle. ...