watercolor blog 在 LIVE sketching a house with watercolors 的影片資訊
Tools: - PARAFENALIA Neri ballpoint pen (SCHMIDT 635 M cartridge) - Mijello Mission Gold watercolor...
Tools: - PARAFENALIA Neri ballpoint pen (SCHMIDT 635 M cartridge) - Mijello Mission Gold watercolor...
A Renault 4 for you! The third collaboration piece with @呉竹Kuretake painted using their Kuretake Tr...
Ian Sideway's website: http://iansidaway.co.uk/ The second collaboration piece with @呉竹Kuretake , ...
The first collaboration piece with @呉竹Kuretake painted using their ZiG Historic Art brush-pens set ...
This picture of a bakery was made for a feature in the Japanese TV NHK program called "Bi no Tsubo" ...
In this video, I'm painting a simple scene based on a small shrine we saw on one of our walks. I dec...
畫家黃本蕊介紹她的新書《來自雲間的尼尼》,談她從台灣到紐約的藝術學習與創作之路,她如何在競爭激烈的紐約從事繪本插畫二十年,又是在什麼樣的契機下,重回純藝術繪畫創作之路。 Podcast 官網|htt...
An experimental piece of pencil and watercolor art - I tried to test if it's beneficial in any way t...
In this video, I'm painting a view of the inside of a fountain pen store called Eurobox located in G...
新年新希望來了,以前都是列下大目標,今年改走日常小事做起! 趕快跟我一起寫下屬於自己的「Mest清單」,新的一年一起過得充實且有目標吧!! 活動連結 https://www.sofina-est.co...