write發音 在 我挑戰24小時內學會印度話 (我老師是騙子!!!) 的影片資訊
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal...
呀Sir對發音好有興趣,如果你想知某個字的準確讀音,又或者想我朗讀一小段paragraph你聽,歡迎WhatsApp我! 我親自錄音答覆? Ming Sir WhatsApp: 5118 4620...
UPDATE!!! My sister has messaged me to tell me two important things I missed: 1. Varnish your rock w...
Five useful things to say in Chinese to help you seem like your Chinese is better than it actual is!...
◎Dream 清醒夢 Lucid FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/dr34mlucid ◎Dream 清醒夢 Lucid Instagram https://in...