x-15 在 Someday I'll Fly Away - Jolie Chan x 15 20 x Hk Phil Rehearsal 的影片資訊
Dress Rehearsal of Music in Action Concert at Hong Kong Cultural Center Composed by Jolie Chan Rear...
Dress Rehearsal of Music in Action Concert at Hong Kong Cultural Center Composed by Jolie Chan Rear...
チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします♪ ◆SeikinTV チャンネル登録↓ http://www.youtube.com/user/seikintv?sub_confirmation=1 ◆Se...
2011-12-21 廖文強首張全創作專輯正式發行囉! 各大唱片行都有喔喔喔!!! 為了要討個好彩頭, 特地從南投搭客運到台中買專輯開市! 廖文強臉書粉絲專頁:http://www.fac...
an old vid of me... plates 45lbs x 15 + my friend (90kg) sorry bout the bad quality.. i used my frie...
This 4-Piece Yamaha Rock Tour Drum Shell Pack. Includes a 22" x 18" R-Version kick drum, 12" x 8" ra...