人工智慧=未來趨勢?! AOPEN在浪潮跟你一起IoT🤣🤣
#AOPEN #建碁
▲ 機器人能幫著賺錢、省錢、提高生產力,也助人們回歸人性
這樣的機器人未必具備人類外形。工業機器人就是在黑暗廠房(例如富士康最先進的廠房)或者配備了智能升降機倉庫里(例如我們投資的開源機器人Dorabot)從事勞務的機器;商用機器人的形式和用途就更多樣了:它們也許就是一排攝像頭(例如曠視科技的產品),或者是一家自動商店(例如F5未來商店)。自動駕駛車將有車的外形——除了那種低速貨運、功能固定的運輸工具,例如機場鋪設的自動車道,或者從停車場到商店、主題公園的運輸設備(例如UISEE馭勢科技);消費機器人也許會像一個揚聲器(例如亞馬遜的Echo)、一台電視機、一台吸塵器(例如Roomba)、一個教學玩具(例如奇幻工房的Dash Bot)或者一台用於家庭聯繫的平板電腦(例如小魚在家)。
Robots should make money, save money, increase productivity, or deliver entertainment—and let humans be human
Robots should make money, save money, increase productivity, or deliver entertainment—and let humans be human
The age of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics is upon us, but the current fad of emotional humanoid robots is not headed in the right direction.
First, let’s understand what robotics are based on:
AI algorithms which are very good at optimization of explicitly defined goals (but cannot create, and have no feelings)
Mechanical control which advances much slower than AI software algorithms
Sensors which are rapidly improving but are often still too expensive, too large, or too power-hungry
Given the above, it is ludicrous to think that human-like robots will roam our homes any time soon. When a robot looks like a person, talks like a person, and has features like a person, home users will have unattainable human-capability expectations. The disappointment alone will doom any company hoping to bring science fiction to the living room in the next decade, not to mention the price-sensitivity for consumer markets.
Robotics must begin with utilitarianism in mind—robots should make money, save money, increase productivity, or deliver entertainment. There will be industrial robots that build other robots in high-volume, manufactured with today’s technologies. There will be commercial robots that deliver economic value (such as replacing security, receptionists, and drivers). There will be consumer robots that mimic today’s appliances and toys, requiring no consumer education, and causing no human-capability expectation.
These robots won't look like a person. The industrial robot is a giant factory run in the dark by machines (like at Foxconn’s most advanced factories), or a warehouse with smart forklifts (like our investment Dorabot). The commercial robot comes in various forms and applications. It might look like an array of cameras (like our investment Megvii) or an automated store (like our investment F5 Future Store). The autonomous vehicle will look like a car, except will be first deployed in low-speed, freight, or fixed-function transport—such as in airport autonomous car-only lanes, or in transport from parking garages to shopping malls/theme parks (like our investment UISee). And the consumer robot may look like a speaker (like the Amazon Echo), a TV, a vacuum cleaner (like Roomba), an educational toy (like our investment Wonder Workshop Dash Bot), or a pad-on-steroids for family communications (like our investment Ainemo).
Will AI capabilities increase over time? Of course. Speech recognition will get better, computer vision will improve, SLAM will be improved to help the robot move around fluidly, and the robot will be able to translate languages, or have a dialog within limited domains. The robot may be able to read some of our emotions, or mimic certain human emotions. But this mimicking will go from laughable and entertaining to occasionally acceptable—and generally not genuine. For decades to come, robots by themselves will be unable to learn common sense reasoning, creativity, or planning. They also won't possess the self-awareness, feelings, and desires that humans do. This type of “general AI” does not exists, and there are no known engineering algorithms for it. I don’t expect to see those algorithms for decades, if ever.
Trying to make robots human-like is a natural temptation for robotics and AI scientists, and predicting humanoid robots comes naturally to science fiction writers. But we humans simply think differently from AI. We create and AI optimizes. We love and AI is stoic. We have common sense and AI learns patterns from big data in a singular domain. Simply stated, we are good at what AI is not, and AI is good at what we are not.
In the future, the human edge will be in creativity and social interaction. Therefore, we need to focus robotics development toward what they’re good at: repetitive tasks, optimization, and utilitarian value creation. We should also let people do what they’re good at: innovation, creation, human-to-human interaction, and performing services.
I am an advocate of making utilitarian robots, and encouraging people to go into service jobs. I am not an advocate of making humanoid service robots—it is too hard today, and will not meet people’s expectations; therefore they will likely fail. Whether or not my analysis is correct, we need to be reminded that in the next decade AI will replace a massive number of manual-labor, repetitive, and analytical jobs. We have a human responsibility to help create societal service jobs—not dream or plan a society in which all jobs come with a sign “humans need not apply.”
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅I don't Drink latte.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#FreeFire #我要活下去 #更新內容快速看 官方粉專預計12/11(三)改版,正確時間以官方公告為主唷! (好友已加滿/目前只跟朋友組隊 謝謝邀請 ) PS.盜名猖獗 各位要仔細看ID 許多玩家創假ID 並非本人唷 -------------------- 也歡迎訂閱我的主/副頻道: ▶我不...
各位看官意下如何 在 滾羊の一番生ビール Facebook 的最佳解答
獎品(1):讀賣巨人2017年月曆一名- Perry Wu
獎品(2):陽岱鋼背號T桖 one size L號。 一名。 盧炯村 (ChiungTsun Lu)
獎品(3):陽岱鋼應援巾。 一名。 侯祥祺
獎品(4):陽岱鋼鑰匙圈。 兩名。 王冠璁 AZun Liao
沒錯,我又富奸了(? 最近這禮拜剛從日本搬回台灣,除了一些生活上的雜事要辦之外,也開始找尋工作,加上今年想要寫得更加豐富(不知道大家有沒有發現就是了),所以介紹文還未完成,如果大家不介意的話,我會繼續寫完,只是可能屆時一些球隊就已經敗北了之類的,不知各位看官意下如何。
各位看官意下如何 在 I don't Drink latte. Youtube 的最佳解答
#FreeFire #我要活下去 #更新內容快速看
(好友已加滿/目前只跟朋友組隊 謝謝邀請 )
PS.盜名猖獗 各位要仔細看ID 許多玩家創假ID 並非本人唷
▶我不喝拿鐵[直播]副頻道: https://goo.gl/naEj1E
▶我不喝拿鐵[玩具]副頻道: https://is.gd/fBQF8p
▶我不喝拿鐵FB粉絲團 : https://goo.gl/k93Ea2
▶請我不喝拿鐵喝飲料 : 歐付寶:https://goo.gl/GhxywF
Free Fire熱門推薦影片傳送門---------
▶ 更新內容快速看 :https://youtu.be/JZnzT38j8-o
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▶ 訓練島搶先看:https://youtu.be/edvxG15nODY
▶ 新寵物機器人ROBO實測/復活模式/致命之刃模式/瘋狂雪人模式(模式名暫譯)https://youtu.be/bM0Mp6a1y5E
▶ 新改版搶先看沙漠/新角/PVE:https://youtu.be/jcdO4S3XjnM
▶ 十二月新改版情報搶先看:https://youtu.be/dzn_BHim91A
▶ 假人伏擊術 超狂偽裝攻略(下) :https://youtu.be/lyLrXbnU6u4
▶ ALOK吃雞攻略:https://youtu.be/36cr63oPyaY
▶ 新角Alok補師技能實測 :https://youtu.be/g0Tqv0qryI
▶ M1887霰彈槍吃雞:https://youtu.be/mtjeHXGUy04
▶ 新裝備實測篇:https://youtu.be/V28Vl3rjJ_A
▶ M60彈鼓機槍實測:https://youtu.be/iEX_oPe2SE0
▶ 搭配爆炸十字弩吃雞:https://youtu.be/BSJ3OEYTbPo
▶ 莎妮技能實測/邊殺敵邊修裝:https://youtu.be/LyFUWy9FyQk
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▶ 喬瑟夫技能實測:https://youtu.be/s1xPzfR9OnE
▶ 滑翔翼暗殺流攻略:https://youtu.be/yp1lQu55LvI
▶ 更新裝備實測:喬瑟夫/滑翔翼/四級盔/手銃/等離子槍/RGS-50
▶ 爆炸屍體包/實用暗殺攻略:https://youtu.be/nBl1tEaNoK4
▶ 帶著柴柴吃雞/搜菇技能:https://youtu.be/ENOyVVCOXLw
▶ 水塔極限求生 平安下水塔攻略:https://youtu.be/y9wbGpauy8M
▶ FF短篇故事/復仇賽車手:https://youtu.be/B8pGSysHhlM
▶ 樹叢補血流:https://youtu.be/tvCglKYaL-o
▶ 樹叢殺敵戰術 (上集) :https://youtu.be/VrSDCrbbLT0
▶ 高空殺敵戰術 (下集) :https://youtu.be/5_TG4qZEa5Y
▶ 改版情報直播場:https://youtu.be/H1hn5NpkvdU
▶ 滑板噴射器 實用攻略:https://youtu.be/bHB4RdHPeUs
▶ 閃光彈吃雞實用攻略 :https://youtu.be/Fh1skXAGq1g
▶ 卡死角敵人打不到的位置:https://youtu.be/K8V1ZBGIEiE
▶ 無限槍火王座 新表情符號:https://goo.gl/WVZoZA
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▶ 從頭殺到尾 拼槍殺敵攻略:https://goo.gl/3ybE5e
▶ 極限挑戰 手榴彈吃雞:https://goo.gl/zFKJzL
▶ 我的日常吃雞 平民槍殺敵吃雞:https://goo.gl/Lkg2ne
▶ 墓園攻防教學 搶下資源區:https://goo.gl/FmQRn9
▶ 用新凝膠壁壘挑戰吃雞:https://goo.gl/7iURPH
▶ 治療槍殺敵爆頭測試:https://goo.gl/p9tr78
▶ 莫科吃雞攻略 天才駭客:https://goo.gl/1WYQK3
▶ 2019新手進階吃雞教學:https://goo.gl/U4XK5m
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▶ 卡洛琳搭配霰彈吃雞:https://goo.gl/Mn1BWd
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▶ M60輕機槍吃雞攻略分享:https://goo.gl/aCfqX7
▶ 凝膠護盾推進殺敵吃雞:https://goo.gl/stSYr7
▶ 凝膠護盾脫逃術 :https://goo.gl/72j2h1
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▶ SVD連狙直播試玩吃雞:https://goo.gl/9TqmWw
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▶ 新手吃雞教學 2.0 快速上手篇:https://goo.gl/cQzvx6
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▶ FAMAS 突擊步槍吃雞攻略/槍枝介紹:https://goo.gl/4oKLh8
▶ 全武器分析/武器特性介紹:https://goo.gl/CXr56j
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▶ 小心平底鍋殺手出沒 Soocii直播場:https://goo.gl/v9eFz7
▶ 都是觀眾啊啊啊 不要丟裝給我呀:https://goo.gl/3UcGZS
▶ 開鏡精準 爆頭教學 SKS連狙吃雞:https://goo.gl/wW4AeU
▶ 搭配Kar98K狙擊吃雞攻略分享:https://goo.gl/tu3UQV
▶ 單人打多人模式吃雞鐵車流:https://goo.gl/3abXfx
▶ M1873短獵吃雞/手槍實測:https://goo.gl/TeUGr2
▶ 新年特輯/組隊圍爐吃雞(下):https://goo.gl/vavD9V
▶ 新年特輯/組隊圍爐吃雞(上):https://goo.gl/abJnEk
▶ 第一屆秋名山車神大賽:https://goo.gl/vg3bkW
(由於白天要工作目前沒有太多時間回留言 請見諒)
gabbie june
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