王羲之草書字帖 在 政變後的寧靜夏午 Facebook 的最佳解答
本季的筆墨見真章,照例地,策展人依書法從古到今發展的歷程,為觀眾挑選了多件不同時代的名家精品(展件清單請看這 👉https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh…/calligraphy10907/…/page-3.html),期待您蒞臨欣賞。
今天和大家一同來看一件可能是米芾(1052-1108) 臨仿之作的【傳晉 王羲之 大道帖】
【The Great Dao Inscription】Attributed to Wang Xizhi (303-361), Jin dynasty
此帖行草書兩行:「大道久不下,豈先未然耶。」拖尾有趙孟頫(1254-1322)至元丁亥年(1287)跋:「龍跳天門,虎臥鳳閣。」此帖筆畫腴潤圓柔,第一行「大」字到「下」字,連筆而書,最後一字「耶」的末筆拉長,收筆加粗,成彎弧狀。由於王羲之(303-361)沒有這類書法風格的作品 傳世,故多數論者認為可能是米芾(1052-1108)的臨仿之作。
🔽 This inscription comprises two lines written in cursive script (also called "grass script," from caoshu). The first reads, "The Great Way has not descended for some time, how were things not this way before?" Additional paper later attached to the scroll contains a calligraphic colophon written by Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322) in the Dinghai year of the Yuan dynasty (1287), which compares Wang's brushwork to a "dragon leaping through Heavens' Gate or a tiger lying at Phoenix Pavilion."
The brushstrokes in Wang's inscription are ample and rounded. In the first line, all of the characters—from the first one, "great," to the last one, "descended"—were written in a single flourish. The final brushstroke in the ultimate character, an exclamation pronounced " ye," was incredibly drawn-out, and then thickened at its tail end before turning in an arc. Because there are no other extant works by Wang Xizhi in this style, most theorists posit that it is likely a study of Wang's work by Mi Fei (1052-1108).
🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh…/calligraphy10907/…/page-1.html
王羲之草書字帖 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答
本季的筆墨見真章,照例地,策展人依書法從古到今發展的歷程,為觀眾挑選了多件不同時代的名家精品(展件清單請看這 👉https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10907/ch/page-3.html),期待您蒞臨欣賞。
今天和大家一同來看一件可能是米芾(1052-1108) 臨仿之作的【傳晉 王羲之 大道帖】
【The Great Dao Inscription】Attributed to Wang Xizhi (303-361), Jin dynasty
此帖行草書兩行:「大道久不下,豈先未然耶。」拖尾有趙孟頫(1254-1322)至元丁亥年(1287)跋:「龍跳天門,虎臥鳳閣。」此帖筆畫腴潤圓柔,第一行「大」字到「下」字,連筆而書,最後一字「耶」的末筆拉長,收筆加粗,成彎弧狀。由於王羲之(303-361)沒有這類書法風格的作品 傳世,故多數論者認為可能是米芾(1052-1108)的臨仿之作。
🔽 This inscription comprises two lines written in cursive script (also called "grass script," from caoshu). The first reads, "The Great Way has not descended for some time, how were things not this way before?" Additional paper later attached to the scroll contains a calligraphic colophon written by Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322) in the Dinghai year of the Yuan dynasty (1287), which compares Wang's brushwork to a "dragon leaping through Heavens' Gate or a tiger lying at Phoenix Pavilion."
The brushstrokes in Wang's inscription are ample and rounded. In the first line, all of the characters—from the first one, "great," to the last one, "descended"—were written in a single flourish. The final brushstroke in the ultimate character, an exclamation pronounced " ye," was incredibly drawn-out, and then thickened at its tail end before turning in an arc. Because there are no other extant works by Wang Xizhi in this style, most theorists posit that it is likely a study of Wang's work by Mi Fei (1052-1108).
🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10907/en/page-1.html
王羲之草書字帖 在 王羲之草書字帖(第10頁) - 書法字典 的相關結果
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王羲之草書字帖 在 王羲之 - 博客來 的相關結果
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王羲之草書字帖 在 推薦一本好字帖——王羲之草書集字千字文 - 每日頭條 的相關結果
古往今來的書法大家都喜歡寫《千字文》,精彩紛呈。今天獻上一組集王羲之行草書《千字文》與趙孟頫行書《千字文》高清對照圖,喜歡就收藏吧 ... ... <看更多>