【Hafa Adai #關島辦事處 開張!!】
2020年因為 #武漢肺炎 全球局勢險峻
我國駐關島辦事處 Taiwan in Guam
在 #國慶日 這天
舉辦 #揭牌儀式 及 #國慶酒會
宣布從 #12日 起正式營運!!
我關島辦事處 #陳盈連 處長
關島副總督 #譚里諾
關島議長 #穆緹娜 共同主持揭牌儀式
#魔法部 JW部長 和關島總督 #古蕾露
雖無法親自前來 也透過預錄影片祝賀
特別讚揚我國在蔡總統領導下,已成為世界上少數抗疫成功的案例 。
JW部長在影片中宣布台灣將捐贈4台 #熱像體溫顯示儀
不僅會提供我國民眾 #領務服務
相關新聞稿奉上👉 https://reurl.cc/n0qAA8
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in #Guam was officially reopened yesterday in its new home at the Guam International Trade Center. Representative Paul Chen was joined by a small group of VIP guests for the plaque unveiling ceremony, as #COVID19 restrictions are in place limiting large gatherings. During his speech at the ceremony, Representative Chen emphasized Guam's strategic location in the #IndoPacific, which will increase opportunities for trade, tourism and cooperation in the region.
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu and Guam Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero recorded special messages to send their best wishes for the opening with Minister Wu announcing the donation of four body temperature scanners to Guam and drawing attention to the common #Austronesian heritage between our islands.
Governor Guerrero stated that Taiwan and Guam would be able to engage in increased economic and cultural exchanges.
#RealFriends #RealProgress #HafaAdai
穆緹娜 在 【恶魔果实图鉴11】超人系槛槛果实,又一近战王者缇娜 的推薦與評價
【恶魔果实图鉴11】超人系槛槛果实,又一近战王者缇娜. 2.2K views · 2 years ago ...more. 穆阿羊. 175. Subscribe. 16. Share. Save. Report ... ... <看更多>
穆緹娜 在 我國駐關島 ... - Представительство ТМКК в Москве 駐俄羅斯代表 ... 的推薦與評價
Tenorio)及關島議會議長穆緹娜(Tina Muña Barnes)共同主持揭牌,外交部長吳釗燮及關島總督古蕾露(Lourdes Leon Guerrero)則透過預錄影片祝賀。 ... <看更多>