#格格便当食材篇 12/3/17
Aloe Vera Red Dates and Dried Longan Soup
芦荟、红枣、枸杞子、班兰叶、龙眼干、水和石蜂糖 ( 分量随意)
1. 切下芦荟数支,让黄汁流出大约一个小时,不要接触黄汁,皮肤会痒,食用恐造成腹泻。
2. 削掉芦荟皮,果肉切成块状。
3. 水中先放红枣和龙眼干,煮滚后,转小火慢炖30分钟至味稍浓,加蜂糖调味。
4. 加入芦荟块,煮3分钟即可。不可煮太久,芦荟会溶于水。
aloe vera, red dates, dried longan, goji berries, pandan leaf and honey rock sugar,amount to your preference.
1. Cut the aloe vera from plant. Leave them on the floor as shown in the pic for an hour to get rid of the yellow sap which may cause diarrhoea if consumed.
2. Cut and peel the skin w a knife.
3. Cut flesh into cubes.
4.Bring the red dates and dry longan to boil and continue to simmer for 30 mins to enrich the flavour. Add sugar.
5. Add the flesh and boil for 3 mins. Prolonged boiling will cause the flesh to dissolve in water.
ALOE VERA are plants that are used for medicinal purposes. It contains vitamins and minerals and has antioxidants and antibacterial properties. However, pregnant or nursing mummies should avoid aloe vera as aloe latex can be a powerful laxative.
Simply love the light and refreshing texture of the flesh. A great cooling dessert to serve on a hot day.
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芦荟红栆桂圆汤 在 桂圆大枣芦荟银耳汤水 - 心食谱 的相關結果
2.剥桂圆过程,一直还在疑惑,桂圆和龙眼是不是一回事呢?不过还是说剥桂圆把,不然就成了挖龙眼了,太暴力了. ... 4.开始煮制了,第一步先要熬红枣水,先把红枣放入锅里煮 ... ... <看更多>