【English Pear & Freesia Cologne 2021 新年限定款】😍
相信不少人一定闻过这味道horrr?Jo Malone 最最最畅销的镇店之宝 - English Pear & Freesia Cologne 香氛英国梨与小苍兰 散发着令人爱不释手清甜香气, 既不青涩,亦不甜腻~~🌼🌼 给予人温柔易亲近的感觉😌😌
💥如今正式推出了 2021新春限定款!限量的瓶盖是金黄雾面的,瓶身缀满亮金梨子与纯白花卉,满满的高级感✨ 那么梦幻唯美的包装设计,太值得收藏liaooo~ 情人节礼物也可以送这款😎
如今全马Jo Malone店都陆续上架了,可以去买啦😍
(图:Claire克莱尔, 杨洋洋洋 & 莹莹 小红书)
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅拉哥 Lai UP,也在其Youtube影片中提到,在岡山鳥取中的Media Trip中認識到日本雜誌社 GoJapan 和 Wattention 的好朋友,今次就讓拉姑一邊介紹岡山和鳥取的特色,一邊揭開旅遊記者的血淚史啦! 豐田 Toyota: http://rent.toyota.co.jp 矢掛屋 INN&SUITES: http://www...
衣食住行english 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最讚貼文
---Please scroll down for the English version---
香港監察高級政策顧問Sam Goodman亦表示:「我們歡迎德國政府向該女生提供庇護的決定。這表明德國政府致力于保護人權,並認為在港區國安法生效後,許多香港青年若留在香港,將面臨政治迫害,任意逮捕和監禁。」
Goodman建議德國政府「透過改革其庇護政策來提供特別方案予有機會面臨政治迫害的香港人申請庇護、延長工作假期簽證、或考慮通過擴大Erasmus Program予香港學生來制定適用於全歐盟的救生艇政策。」他總結指,「德國應與志同道合的國際伙伴聯手,確保每一個香港人在面對進一步打壓時,都有可行政策保護他們。」
【Haven Assistance’s statement on the German government’s decision to grant a Hong Kong protester asylum status】
On October 14, 2020, a 22-year-old student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), who fled Hong Kong last November, was granted refugee status for three years by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF). This is the first instance of a protestor receiving asylum in Germany following activities in the anti-extradition law movement.
Haven Assistance would like to express our gratitude to the German Government for this decision. This is not the first time that the German Government has granted asylum to Hong Kong citizens. In May 2018, the German government granted asylum to two Hong Kong activists -- Ray Wong Toi-Yeung, the founder of Hong Kong Indigenous (HKI) and co-founder of Haven Assistance, and Alan Li Tung-Sing, a former member of HKI. Germany was the first European country to grant asylum to Hong Kong citizens.
However, while Haven Assistance welcomes the German Government’s decision to grant asylum to the Hong Kong protester, we also urge Germany and other European countries to continue to improve their asylum processes and consider enacting a comprehensive lifeboat policy for Hong Kongers.
The student protester told Haven Assistance that she had faced many hardships during her application process, such as living in refugee camps for nearly 11 months, being hospitalised due to emotional issues, and being sexually assaulted by a refugee camp staff. “I am grateful to the German government for granting me asylum. The German government has provided me with basic necessities, such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and basic medical services,” she said when sharing her life in refugee camps. “However, if the German government could consider simplifying the asylum application process for Hong Kong protesters, such as allowing them to choose freely their place of residence while waiting for the decision,” she also suggested, “it would be of great convenience and support to them.”
Sam Goodman, Senior Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, said:
“We welcome the German Government’s decision to grant asylum to the female protester. It demonstrates the German Government’s commitment to stand up for human rights and its recognition that under the National Security Law many Hong Kongers face political persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention if they stay in the city.”
Goodman continued: “However, the young woman’s experiences in the refugee camp shows that it is time for reform. In July, Germany along with the other EU Member States agreed to bring in proposals to make it easier for young Hong Kongers to work and study in Europe as part of an international lifeboat policy. Nearly three months later, we believe it is time for the German Government to act on its promise.”
He also suggested that the German government could “reform its asylum policy by designating a specific pathway for Hong Kongers at risk of political persecution, expanding its Working Holiday Visa, and considering the case for an EU-wide lifeboat policy through expanding the Erasmus scheme for Hong Kongers.” Germany should, he concluded, “join like-minded international partners in ensuring that Hongkongers has a viable insurance policy in the face of a further crackdown on their rights.”
Haven Assistance
19 October 2020
衣食住行english 在 大马搵食Kaki Facebook 的最佳貼文
📌KFC X Deliveroo KFC Deliveroo
KFC情人节送戒指!目前只有新加坡而已!只要在✅2月13日透过 #Deliveroo 指定的 #KFC 门店,包括有📍#KFCChinatownPoint、#FarEastPlaza、#ClementiMall、#ParkwayParade、#BedokMall、#KallangStadium 预订 #情人节套餐 就可以拿到 #KFC戒指 啦💍而一set的情节人套餐有 #5块炸鸡、#3块鸡柳、#2个薯泥、#1盒cheese薯条,还有 #2罐pepsiblack 价钱一共$28.25新币!而且啊,Deliveroo还会帮你把情人节套餐送上门哦!
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📌DIY TeeTac
除了以上这些东西,女生也可以去找那种 #DIY名字的情侣Tshirt 送给男生!反正现在很流行穿个性情侣装,女生一定穿Oversized那种👩❤💋👨
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💟记得关注 #大马搵食Kaki #MyEatKaki 获取最新衣食住行情报!
衣食住行english 在 拉哥 Lai UP Youtube 的最讚貼文
在岡山鳥取中的Media Trip中認識到日本雜誌社 GoJapan 和 Wattention 的好朋友,今次就讓拉姑一邊介紹岡山和鳥取的特色,一邊揭開旅遊記者的血淚史啦!
豐田 Toyota: http://rent.toyota.co.jp
矢掛屋 INN&SUITES: http://www.yakage-ya.com
美星天文台: http://www.biseikankou.jp
備中松山城: http://www.okayama-japan.jp/spot/949
燒肉 牛弘: http://www.facebook.com/tiyagyu
ひのき草木染織工房: http://hinoki.exblog.jp
御前酒藏元辻本店: http://www.gozenshu.co.jp
湯原国際観光ホテル 菊之湯: http://www.yubara-kikunoyu.com/rooms/
蒜山香草園 Herbill: http://ww81.tiki.ne.jp/~herbill/herbill-home.html
蒜山 Horsepark: http://hiruzenhp.com
蒜山 Jersey Land: http://jerseyland.hiruraku.com
恋人の聖地: http://www.masumizu.net/ski/
島取花迴廊: http://www.tottorihanakairou.or.jp
水木茂之路: http://mizuki.sakaiminato.net
三徳山: http://www.mitokusan.jp
味処 美佐: http://www.sakaiminato-misa.server-shared.com
境港水產物直營中心: http://sanmaki-direct.jp
訂閱Lai UP ▶ http://bit.ly/laisubscribe
Lai's Self Introduction:
Hello! I'm Lai from Hong Kong. I'm just a normal Hong Kong boy being raised in Hong Kong, having local Hong Kong education and Hong Kong culture. Lai in Hong Kong would like to introduce different culture from Hong Kong to Hong Kong lovers.
Since I like travelling so much, recently I started making travelling videos for the sake of Hong Kong. Hope that you can know more about the beauty of Hong Kong.
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Lai Facebook: http://facebook.com/jackylaiyc
Lai Instagram: http://instagram.com/jackylaiyc
Telegram 吹水 Group: https://t.me/laiup
Telegram 收風 Channel: https://t.me/laichannel
合作查詢: jackylaiyc@gmail.com

衣食住行english 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
幾分鐘講述窮遊首爾吃、買、玩。T-money card 善用交通到處去,省時省錢不費力。衣食住行在哪區,資源整理話你之。夜蒲邊區最首選,燒酒的士平收費,人文文化玩穿越,歷史潮流薈箤easy go!