留喺屋企最怕諗食咩餸🤯 自從開心大發現咗 Eldershop 銀杏士多 之後,而家日日喺屋企都有好嘢食!唔單止支持 #社企,價錢仲非常親民,味道又好食👍🏻當中有好多 #手工菜式,連 #素食 都選擇多多。即使簡單開個𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆其實上”銀杏士多”都可以搞掂!
🔹 招牌原隻有機柑桔醃法國春雞(約700g) $38
🔸懷舊滋味釀蟹蓋(6隻) $68
🔹金不換蝦米肉碎手工餃(10隻) $48
🔸姬松茸蓮藕杞子新豬肉手工燒賣(10粒) $48
🔹銀牌蜜味大大條素叉燒(配自家調製叉燒蜜餞醬汁) $38
🔸蜆蚧香烤手打鯪魚球配老師傅秘製蜆蚧醬(6粒) $28
🔹秘製惹味香辣半殼紐西蘭青口(約6-8隻) $38
🔸百合金桔菊花羅漢果清潤茶 (5包) $38
每樣都好出色好好味😍 法國春雞醃埋都係$38,仲平過自己出去買一隻返嚟整😝 用咗樂活有機農莊自家有機柑桔整,雖然柑桔味唔算好突出,但係好突岀到雞嘅原汁原味!煎焗後皮脆肉嫩,超juicy 🐔 #釀蟹蓋 呢類手工菜平時喺中菜廳都唔係時時食到,估唔到呢度竟然有得賣🤓屋企焗熱就食得,好方便!蟹肉魚肉口感彈牙,鮮香味美,我自己再加咗芝士喺面,更添鹹香🧀 #金不換蝦米肉碎手工餃 好有特色,而 #手工餃 真係同平時嘅無得比,餃子皮煙煙靭靭,餡料有驚喜,有金不換及紫葱嘅清新,有烤香蝦米嘅鹹香,仲有豬肉嘅肉香,絕對會回購💰 素食者可以試下 #新豬肉手工燒賣 及 #素叉燒,我自己好鍾意個燒賣,食落啖啖肉,加埋蓮藕多咗分爽脆。素叉燒口感就唔係好似,不過味道都唔差,可以一試。 #手打鯪魚球 勁彈牙,皮脆肉厚。個 #老師傅秘製蜆蚧醬 係重點,鹹得嚟好香😄 #秘製惹味香辣半殼紐西蘭青口 好鮮甜,個汁調味得好惹味,辣度適中! 銀杏士多亦有售賣 #花茶,配搭全部都有功效👍🏻例如 #百合金桔菊花羅漢果清潤茶 就可以防感冒及喉痛、潤肺化痰,抗疫岩晒。
PS. 銀杏館一直支持長者就業👵🏻我一直有聽過 銀杏館嘅食物質素好高,但就遲遲未有機會一試!而家喺銀杏士多網店就可以試到好多招牌菜,菜式不時有更新,有D限量發售好快售罄🙊
PS2. 滿$400即 #免運費💰另外深水埗及黃埔有門市,屯門有自取點🤓
鹹金桔功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 先將玻璃瓶洗淨並用熱水蒸煮過消毒,風乾備用。金桔用剪刀剪去多餘椗部,然後洗淨,用微弱流水沖洗10分鐘洗走殘餘農藥,置陰涼處風乾一晚。
2. 在玻璃瓶內鋪一層粗鹽,放入一層金桔,再鋪一層粗鹽,再放入金桔,如是者鋪至八成滿,最頂一層為粗鹽。
3. 將玻璃瓶封好,放置於陰涼處,存放半年或以上,粗鹽會溶解變成鹽水,即可使用。如果醃製期間發現鹽水未能蓋過金桔面,就要開蓋加入粗鹽。
Simple homemade salted kumquat
“I would like to pickle Chinese New Year kumquat into salted kumquat. Is there anything I should be aware of?”
CheckCheckCin: After the Chinese New Year, many people will pickle Chinese New Year kumquat into salted kumquats. From Chinese medicine perspective, salty kumquats can regulate qi, relieve depression, aid digestion, reduce phlegm and clear fire. It also can relieve throat discomfort and sore throat. It is a must-have item in your house. However, it should be noted that Chinese New Year kumquat sold for sale in the market are for decorative purposes and are not planted in accordance with food safety standards. Therefore, pay attention to whether pesticides and insecticide levels exceed the standard or not. It is safer to buy kumquat in a fruit store to pickle. Ripe kumquat with yellowish orange skin is preferred.
Homemade salted kumquat
Ingredients: kumquat, coarse salt, glass jar
1. Rinse the glass jar and sterilize by boiling in hot water, then air-dry it. Cut off the excess stem of kumquat with scissors. Rinse with soft running water for 10 minutes to wash away the residual pesticide, and air-dry in a cool and dry place overnight.
2. Put a layer of coarse salt in the glass jar, put a layer of kumquat, then another layer of coarse salt, and then put kumquat. Once it is 80% full, the top layer should be coarse salt.
3. Seal the glass jar and store it in a cool dry place, and store it for half a year or more. If you find that the salt water does not cover the kumquat during pickling, open the lid and add coarse salt.
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #喉嚨痛
鹹金桔功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
金桔 — 性溫,有理氣解鬱、消食化痰的作用,對於有胸悶氣結、心情鬱悶的人最為適合,同時可舒緩因肝氣鬱結而引起食慾不振。要注意脾胃氣虛者的不可多吃。
鹹金桔 — 將金桔加入大量鹽醃製,然後密封儲存。經醃鹹的金桔,除了可消食化痰,亦有清熱瀉火功用,能紓緩咽喉不適、因身體有熱而引起的喉嚨痛。
Moisten the throat with salted kumquat
You may have a lot of hidden treasures in your kitchen pantryMany treasures may be found deep in the kitchen cabinet, and one of them might be salted kumquats that older generations cherish very much. They believe the salted kumquats are good for healing the sore throat and coarse voice. From Chinese medicine perspective, kumquat is warm in nature and helps to regulate qi and relieve depression, aid digestion and reduce phlegm. The salt used to pickle the kumquats is easily absorbed by kidney to soften and resolve hard mass, clear heat-fire, relieve throat discomfort and sore throat due to heat. It is best to consult with a Chinese medicine practitioner if you have sore throat and loss of voice because of throat discomfort and cold/flu.
Kumquat- Warm in nature. It helps to regulate qi and relieve depression, aid digestion and reduce phlegm. It is especially suitable for those for those with qi stagnation and tight chest, and those in a bad mood. It helps to relieve lack of appetite due to liver qi stagnation. Note those with weak spleen and stomach should not have too many.
Salted Kumquat- Kumquats pickkled with large amount of salt then sealed for storage. Aside from aiding digestion and reducing phlegm, salted kumquat can clear heat-fire. It also can relieve throat discomfort and sore throat due to heat.
Salted kumquat water
Ingredients: 2-3 salted kumquats, 1 teaspoon honey
Preparation: Add salted kumquats to cup or thermos and smash with spoon. Add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes. Add in honey when it cools down slightly.
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #喉嚨痛
鹹金桔功效 在 天氣轉涼喉嚨痛!? 飲咸柑桔啦! | Handmade | 彭慧中| 止咳化痰 的推薦與評價

Handmade手工咸柑桔 咸柑桔含豐富的甘類,具有理氣、止咳、化痰、消食、解酒的 功效 ,可改善胸悶鬱結、心悸亢進、風寒咳嗽、痰多久咳、食積脹滿、酒傷 ... ... <看更多>
鹹金桔功效 在 Choco Cloud Kids - 8年珍藏•珍貴罕有-自家醃漬8年咸柑桔 7 ... 的推薦與評價
CCK Special Price: HKD 125 (荔枝角香工自取/順豐到付) ㊙️咸金桔的功效用食用方法: ⭐化痰止咳: 龍利葉、枇杷葉各五錢,加咸金桔三個,三碗水 ... ... <看更多>